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Creating Sessions

Creating Sessions

First Task – Create Sessions. Once all of your track submissions are accepted, it’s time to create sessions and add your accepted presentations to them. We will also help you with this situation. Our writers at Top-Papers.com can help with all applications, presentations, and conference papers. You have the choice of creating the following session types…

  • Invited Session – Used to bring in guest presenters for the conference.
  • Panel Sessions – Panels can be submitted by users and can be accepted in the same manor as Abstracts. In addition to submitted panels, you can create panels for invited speakers or for your accepted submissions.
  • Regular Sessions – Used for scheduling Accepted Papers and Abstracts. Track sizes should consist of 3 to 4 presentations.

The tutorial below will walk the the process of creating a Regular Session. The wizard is very similar between each format.

  1. Log into the Conference management system. Go to the Submission Management menu then Click on the “Create a Session” link.
  2. Select “Regular Session”
  3. Create a title and add a 50 word abstract in the appropriate fields. Use proper capitalization and punctuation. These fields will be visible in the Proceedings, Program, and Hotel Marquee. Select 2 topics and one Method. Click Accept and Continue when done.
  4. To the right of “Step One” click on “View Accepted Papers.”
  5. Accepted papers will be listed below once the screen refreshes. Add a check mark and click Add to the desired presentation.
  6. You will then see the submission added to the session…
  7. “Step 2″ allows you to create and add an invited paper to the session. You will be asked for a title, 50 word abstract, name, affiliation and email address of presenter.
  8. By default you will be the session chair. Go to Step 3 and click on the “View Volunteer Session Chair” link to add a new volunteer chair.
  9. Once you click on the “Add Session Chair” link to the right of the desired volunteer, the user will be added to the session.  Be sure to click on the “Remove” link to exclude yourself as session chair.  Move your Session chairs to the top of the participant list by click on the “Up” link to the right.  This order needs to be uniform across all tracks for formatting purposes in the program. Click Accept and Continue when done.
  10. Presenters and Non-Presenters are added to the session participant list automatically, So “step 4″ is really for adding addition presenters to the session.
  11. Type the last name of the addition participant in the search field and click on The “Search by Last Name” button to search the entire AA database of users. The Add Unlisted participant link is available to add a person that doesn’t exist in the system.
  12. Click Accept and Continue to save your session and continue the wizard. Click on the Upload a Proposal link to upload a PDF version of your session title and abstract. Click Accept and continue when finished.