Professional Development

What Are the Activities Organized within the Professional Development Pillar?

Consortia & Coordinators

Please click on a consortium title for detailed information . . .

Doctoral Student Consortium for Pre-Proposal Defense Students
Yan Dong

UniversityofsouthcarolinasealUniversity of South Carolina

James Hill
Seal_of_the_Ohio_State_UniversityThe Ohio State University
Doctoral Student Consortium for Post-Proposal Defense Students
Chris Craighead

298px-Pennsylvania_State_University_seal.svgPenn State University

Murat Kristal

Yorkunicrest1York University

New Faculty Development Consortium

Dara Schniederjans

UrisealUniversity of Rhode Island

Kaushik Sengupta

HUSealHofstra University

Mid-Career Faculty Development Consortium
Amit Eynan

University of Richmond

Keong Leong

BlankCalifornia State University, Dominguez Hills

Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business
business faculty and staff
Robert L. Andrews

242px-VCU_Seal_sans_logotype.svgVirginia Commonwealth University

Kellie Keeling

University of Denver

Competitions & Coordinators

Please click on a competition title for detailed information . . .

Best Paper Awards Competition
Gopesh Anand

111px-UIUC_seal.svgUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ramanath Subramanyam
Best Teaching Case Studies Awards
Matt Drake

504px-Seal_of_Duquesne_University.svgDuquesne University

Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Award
John Gray

Seal_of_the_Ohio_State_UniversityThe Ohio State University

Gokçe Esenduran
Instructional Innovation Award
Bryan Ashenbaum
Seal_of_Miami_UniversityMiami University
Workshops & Leaders

Please hover over or click a workshop title for a description . . .

Leverage APICS to Grow Your OM or SCM Major
Sharon Rice
Sharon Rice, Executive VP, APICS

ApicsAPICS|APICS Foundation

Exciting Business Games for Enhanced Learning
Sam Wood, President

Responsive Learning Technologies

Service Learning Storytelling Workshop
David Ding

University of Houston

Teaching an Entire Course on Supply Chain Security
Kevin Linderman

UmnsealUniversity of Minnesota

Teaching an Entire Course on Sustainability
Gokçe Esenduran

Seal_of_the_Ohio_State_UniversityThe Ohio State University

Brian Jacobs

136px-MSU_Seal_2010.svgMichigan State University

Teaching Online Students: Why They Get Frustrated?
Kathryn Zuckweiler

University_of_Nebraska_at_Kearney_(logo)University of Nebraska at Kearny

Writing a Great Teaching Case
Chris Roethlein

436px-Bryant_University_Seal.svgBryant University

John Visich
Toward a Program Model for an Integrated Supply Chain and Operations Management Major or Degree
Tom Foster

Brigham Young University

Scott Sampson
Cindy Wallin
Scott Webb
Innovations in Business Curriculum Pedagogy
Bryan Ashenbaum
Seal_of_Miami_UniversityMiami University
What’s Trending . . . Cutting Edge Research Methods
Anand Nair
136px-MSU_Seal_2010.svgMichigan State University
Advanced Reflective Measurement Workshop
Jason W. Miller
Colorado State University
How to Review to Become an Editor of a Journal?
Vicki-Smith-Daniels Vicki Smith-Daniels (Workshop Leader) 300px-Indiana_University_seal.svgIndiana University
Thomas Choi (Workshop Co-Leader) 300px-Arizona_State_University_seal.svgArizona State University
Daniel V. Guide (Workshop Co-Leader) 298px-Pennsylvania_State_University_seal.svgPennsylvania State University
Publishing in DSJ
Nallan Suresh

University at Buffalo (SUNY)

Publishing in DSJIE
Vijay Kannan

457px-Utah_State_University_Seal.svgUtah State University

Panels & Organizers

Please hover over or click a panel title for a brief description . . .

Meet the Editors of DSI Journal
Asoo Vakharia
University_of_Florida_sealUniversity of Florida
Vijay Kannan
457px-Utah_State_University_Seal.svgUtah State University
Meet the Editors of Non-DSI Journals: What Can We Learn from Other Disciplines?
Craig Carter
300px-Arizona_State_University_seal.svgArizona State University
Interdisciplinary Research Strategies
Nada Sanders
Northeastern University

Click Business Knowledge Research or Business Learning & Education Research for details about tracks, workshops, and panels in the other pillars