Big Data & Analytics. In the report that was published on the website regarding data and analytics, it says that an increasingly large amount of data captured through modern technologies using sensor-enabled devices, next-generation monitoring gadgets, and smart technologies pose greater methodological and technological challenges towards scientifically evaluating the data for meaningful use purposes. This also leads to unintended consequences such as information overload, ineffective resource utilization, poor decision-making, etc. Big data and new analytics approaches provide innovative, yet scientifically grounded, solutions to important problems leading to smart technology, organizations and strategies. Recent research and reports, however, suggest our inability to completely harness the potential of big data and analytics. For example, the presence of big data but lack of supporting high data transfer speeds (gig networks) can hamper real time analytics for high bandwidth applications such as medical-imaging. Much research and technological growth remains to be accomplished for a truly global analytics-driven landscape that caters to the rapidly changing patterns. This purpose of this track, thus, is to explore innovative approaches and applications of big data and analytics to study problems from multidisciplinary domains focusing on methods, findings, and comparative analysis that make contributions towards improving this goal.

Possible topics include:

  • Big Data Approaches
  • Predictive and Descriptive Analytics
  • Social Media and Text Analytics
  • Social Network Analytics
  • Sentiment and Content Analysis
  • Visual Analytics
  • Cloud based Business Intelligence
  • Data Warehousing, Hadoop Systems, etc.
  • Web Analytics
  • Smart Technologies and Design of Intelligent systems
  • Process Mining
  • Smart Health and Individual Well Being
  • Energy and Smart grid Analytics
  • Analytics in Finance, Portfolio and Accounting
  • Fraud and Risk Analytics
  • Analytics Applications in Security
  • Mobile Business Intelligence
  • Innovations in Analytics and Big Data Methods
  • Innovative Applications of Analytics for Societal Benefits
  • Application of Analytics in other areas such as retails, sports, entertainment, manufacturing, defense, etc.