Organization Behavior & Human Resources Management (OB & HRM): This track seeks to advance theories and practices in the OB and HRM domains. The track welcomes a broad range of scholarly contributions (e.g., empirical research – qualitative and quantitative, theory development, applied research, etc.) that are dedicated to a better understanding of the roles of individual, group, and organizational dynamics in shaping organizational outcomes and how organizations can be more effective through managing human resources. The track is also open to and endorses the use of diverse methodologies and theoretical perspectives in addressing OB & HRM inquiries.
Possible topics include:
- Cognition and emotion: perception, attribution, cognitive process, learning, decision making
- Individual differences: characteristics, personalities, values, beliefs
- Behavior and organizational processes: motivation, individual performance, communication, socialization, conflict resolutions
- Group and social dynamics: social exchanges, culture, team demography (e.g., size, diversity, etc.), team process (e.g., cohesion, development), leadership/followership, power, politics
- Effective HRM practices: human resource (HR) acquisition, development, utilization, and/or evaluation, compensation, employment relations, talent/knowledge worker management in organizations
- Impacts of HR practices/policies in various contexts: the role and influence of HR in the contexts of organizational strategies, organizational cultures, institutional and national settings
- Organizational outcomes: creativity, innovation, organizational citizenship behaviors, ethical behavior, absenteeism, turnover, job performance, firm performance