Supply Network Design & Strategy: The Supply Network Design & Strategy track is concerned with the design, operation, and management of supply chains and global operations networks in the pursuit of competitive advantage. Submissions in this track aim to advance our understanding of the complex, adaptive system behavior of various global supply chain networks, and provide guidance toward effective formulation and implementation of global supply chain network strategy.
Possible topics include:
- Innovative supply chains and networks
- Lean supply chains and networks
- Agile/responsive supply chains and networks
- Supply chain ambidexterity Risk management in supply chains and networks
- Managing innovations in global supply chain networks
- Organizational and network issues associated with innovations in global supply chain
networks - Facility location strategy in global operations
- Outsourcing and backsourcing
- Offshoring and backshoring
- Operations strategy in global operations networks
- Integrated design of products, processes and supply chains